Friday, June 4, 2010

Life at Foxconn's suicide factory

They work up to 12 hours a day,six days a week,assembling products that they cannot afford to buy themselves: Apple iphones, Apple ipads, Dell computers and Nokia mobile handphones.

They are not allowed to talk while working and could be fined for doing so.

The workers the team spoke to say that their hands continue to twitch at night, or that when they are walking down the street they cannot help but mimic the motion.They are never able to relax their minds,Mr Zhu,36 said.

Overtime last year was an average of 120 hours per month per worker, abouve the maximum level set by Apple in its guidelines to suppliers, The Telegraph reported.

Amid the spate of suicides, the company has now reduced the time to 80 hours per month and Foxconn's parent company, Taiwan's Hon Hai Precision Industry, the world's largest electronics contractor, plans to raise its basic wage of 900 yuan (S$185) a month by 20%.

Ten died for commiting suicide.Most of the suicides reportedly involved workers who had been at the company for less than six months.

Reviews: Only North Korea does this kind of practise, or another "Hitler" is coming.Low pay high pressure to achieve his goals.This is inhumane.

By Jessline

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