Sunday, May 9, 2010

Pakistani Taliban failed behind New York attack

30 old year son of pakistani air force officer, Faisal Shahzad, was pulled for a plane to dubai and arrested for allegedly leaving a vehicle rigged to explode in New York Times Square on May 1.

US claimed to have evidence about the failed attempt of the detonation of car bomb by the Pakistani Taliban . US General Stanley McChrystal, US commander in Afganistan, responded by pressuring the Pakistan 's General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani to begin an assault in North Waziristan, the terrorist's stronghold.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton warned of severe consequences if terror attacks were traced back to Pakistan, but did not specify the consequences. She added that although Pakistan had cooperated, US wants more.

John Brennan, deputy national security advisor charged that Shahzad was train and funded by Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan or TTP. The US are now investigating who was helping and working with Shahzad.

US authorities say s that the terrorist groups are changing thier statics by taking advantage of individuals who are able to enter United States and accquire US citizenship. They are on guard against that.

Done by: DK

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