Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Volcanic ash closes parts of UK airspace

Due to the volcanic cloud drifting south from the Iceland, parts of airspace over Britain and Northern Iceland will be close on Tuesday and operations from Irish airports will be restricted.Flights over Europe were hit by a six-day shutdown of airspace last month.The Commissions estimates the April disruptions to air traffic cost an already struggling industry 1.5-2.5 billion euros ($2-3.3 billion).Around 100,000 of flights were canceled, stranding about 10 millions travelers.

A huge loss for the European airspace,however, it will not only affect the economy of the affected countries. The effect of the eruptions were felt worldwide. The eruption had a significant effect on ozone levels in the atmosphere, causing a large increase in the destruction rate of ozone.nMoreover, the graph above shown the odds on next large* volcanic eruption. Natural disaster like this is not within humans' control, it is inevitable. However,we can actually do our own parts by applying the 3Rs- reducing,reusing and recycling in our daily lives and help to save the Earth. Do not underestimate your small contribution to the Earth cause it will make a big difference when all united in one.
Done by: Jessline Tan

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