Saturday, June 26, 2010

Brazil flooding

Floods in north eastern brazil kill at least 46 people and left more than 1000 missing, said the officials, while firefighters told the media that the entire town was being wiped off of the world map.

Death toll were predicted to increase due to heavy rain. More than 150,000 people were left without a home or forced to evacuate, while some towns lost their power supply due to violent torrents that made bridges and railway lines collapsed.

A woman told Globonews televison: " It destroyed our city. It destroyed everything." Around 11,000 houses and 79 bridges were either destroyed or damaged.

The government prepared 500 million reais(US$277 million ) to assist in the operation and to help the victims.The rain started last week and has stopped. Repairations and reconstructions is beginning.

Done by: ZongHan

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Flash floods wreak havoc

Flash floods caused by heavy downpour on last Wednesday morning wreaked havoc on many parts of central Singapore, flooding basement car parks and shops, and making roads impassable to cars. The worst-hit area was the Orchard Road and Scotts Road intersection, with large stretches from Paterson Road. PUB, in a statement issued on Wednesday afternoon, said almost 100 mm of rain fell within a two-hour period from about 9 am to 11 am. 'The amount of rainfall is approximately more than 60 per cent of the average monthly rainfall for June,' it said.
It is almost impossible to have floods, but this 1% or maybe 0.999% of flooding can still happen in Singapore. The government said that it is due to the drains that have too have rubbish in it, it cause the water unable to pass through, leading to floods. My thought is that we should do some precaution before things come worst. When the water level pass a limit, the department or the company of the buliding should do something about it. Hope such things will not happen again and this incident cause a traffic chaos as it is in the morning and many people have to rush to work, cars are also damage due to flood.


Saturday, June 5, 2010

Did 2004 Olympics spark Greek financial crisis?

As we all know , the latest 'hot topic' in town is about whether greece would go bankrupt .

And yes , the current economic situation is disastrous .

Protests in Athens have turned violent amid a general strike over austerity measures to be adopted to save the country from the economic collapse. As reported by the BBC, protesters are angered by spending cuts and tax rises planned in return for a 110 billion euro (£95 billion) bail-out that the Greek Parliament is to vote on by the end of the first week of May 2010.

The drastic measures include wage freezes, pension cuts and tax rises, with the aim to achieve fresh budget cuts of 30 billion euros over three years. The BBC said the Greek government hopes to cut the public deficit to less than 3 per cent of GDP by 2014, whereas, at the moment, it stands at 13.6 per cent. While the international community watches an angry Athens that feels betrayed by its Prime Minister Papandreou, Germany has offered to pay the largest proportion of the loans, but has also dictated strict conditions.

An amidst all these latest happenings , a new controversy has popped out. Did 2004 Olympics spark Greek financial crisis?

The 2004 Athens Olympics cost nearly $11 billion by current exchange rates, double the initial budget. And that figure that does not include major infrastructure projects rushed to completion at inflated costs. In the months before the games, construction crews worked around the clock, using floodlights to keep the work going at night. In addition, the tab for security alone was more than $1.2 billion.

And so , did Greece reckless spending in 2004 caused all this mess ?

Only time will tell =)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Friday, June 4, 2010

Life at Foxconn's suicide factory

They work up to 12 hours a day,six days a week,assembling products that they cannot afford to buy themselves: Apple iphones, Apple ipads, Dell computers and Nokia mobile handphones.

They are not allowed to talk while working and could be fined for doing so.

The workers the team spoke to say that their hands continue to twitch at night, or that when they are walking down the street they cannot help but mimic the motion.They are never able to relax their minds,Mr Zhu,36 said.

Overtime last year was an average of 120 hours per month per worker, abouve the maximum level set by Apple in its guidelines to suppliers, The Telegraph reported.

Amid the spate of suicides, the company has now reduced the time to 80 hours per month and Foxconn's parent company, Taiwan's Hon Hai Precision Industry, the world's largest electronics contractor, plans to raise its basic wage of 900 yuan (S$185) a month by 20%.

Ten died for commiting suicide.Most of the suicides reportedly involved workers who had been at the company for less than six months.

Reviews: Only North Korea does this kind of practise, or another "Hitler" is coming.Low pay high pressure to achieve his goals.This is inhumane.

By Jessline

Monday, May 17, 2010

Singapore's Temasek Holdings invests in US gas

TEMASEK Holdings, Singapore's state-owned investment company, is investing US$500 million (S$691 million) in a leading US producer(Chesapeake Energy) of natural gas. Temasek will subscribe for US$500 million of Chesapeake's convertible preferred shares with a 5.75 per cent cumulative dividend and a conversion price of US$27 per common share.
This is a great opportunity to bring Singapore to a higher level of economic as Singapore have venture into overseas company and gas will produces a huge revenue. Gas is also a highly demand natural resource by all countries. By investing in gas will be benefit much to Singapore. Temasek Holdings is also holding to many overseas company shares and different types of company therefore it will not face a downpour even if one sector is not doing well. So, I think this is a great investment as it will tend to benefit Singaporeans as the economice is able to get to a higher level.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Pakistani Taliban failed behind New York attack

30 old year son of pakistani air force officer, Faisal Shahzad, was pulled for a plane to dubai and arrested for allegedly leaving a vehicle rigged to explode in New York Times Square on May 1.

US claimed to have evidence about the failed attempt of the detonation of car bomb by the Pakistani Taliban . US General Stanley McChrystal, US commander in Afganistan, responded by pressuring the Pakistan 's General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani to begin an assault in North Waziristan, the terrorist's stronghold.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton warned of severe consequences if terror attacks were traced back to Pakistan, but did not specify the consequences. She added that although Pakistan had cooperated, US wants more.

John Brennan, deputy national security advisor charged that Shahzad was train and funded by Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan or TTP. The US are now investigating who was helping and working with Shahzad.

US authorities say s that the terrorist groups are changing thier statics by taking advantage of individuals who are able to enter United States and accquire US citizenship. They are on guard against that.

Done by: DK

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Volcanic ash closes parts of UK airspace

Due to the volcanic cloud drifting south from the Iceland, parts of airspace over Britain and Northern Iceland will be close on Tuesday and operations from Irish airports will be restricted.Flights over Europe were hit by a six-day shutdown of airspace last month.The Commissions estimates the April disruptions to air traffic cost an already struggling industry 1.5-2.5 billion euros ($2-3.3 billion).Around 100,000 of flights were canceled, stranding about 10 millions travelers.

A huge loss for the European airspace,however, it will not only affect the economy of the affected countries. The effect of the eruptions were felt worldwide. The eruption had a significant effect on ozone levels in the atmosphere, causing a large increase in the destruction rate of ozone.nMoreover, the graph above shown the odds on next large* volcanic eruption. Natural disaster like this is not within humans' control, it is inevitable. However,we can actually do our own parts by applying the 3Rs- reducing,reusing and recycling in our daily lives and help to save the Earth. Do not underestimate your small contribution to the Earth cause it will make a big difference when all united in one.
Done by: Jessline Tan